Стаття про коагулянте Экоматрица на Defence-blog - Review: Ukrainian Eco Matrix Coagulant

Eco Matrix Coagulant (former Giacint) coagulant is produced by ECOTECHNOLOGIES – 21 CENTURY which created it based on its own technology of polyhydroxyl aluminum chloride synthesis.
There are several packaging options available depending on the application. I've tried all volumes that have ever been produced. Some of them are no longer used but i'll describe everything i've put my hands on for these four years.
The best option for everyday use is a 5 ml bottle. It is easy to keep in your pocket, wallet or bag and can be used as an antiseptic to wash hands or vegetables, treat wounds and scratches. The volume is enough to purify 5 liters of water. It is a new branded packaging of the company.
Читати повну статтю http://defence-blog.com/army/review-ukrainian-eco-matrix-coagulant.html
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